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History 203
Dimensions of History
Roger Williams University
Fall, Semester, 2001
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office:  Feinstein 111
Hours:  M, T, Th, F  9:00-10:00
Phone 401 254 3230
Week of September 11
After the Fact:  The Art of Historical Detection
James Davidson and Mark Lytle
New York:  McGraw-Hill, 2000
The Great Website Contest
As you do web research related to reading assignments in Davidson and Lytle I want you to note those sites which are of particlular interest and relevancy... primary materials, secondary materials, and visual materials.  When you find something useful, e-mail the URL to me at I will post the websites to this page.  The first person to suggest the website gets credit for it.  The time stamp on the e-mail will be the point of jedgement who is first. 2 points for websites suggested in a timely fashion (when we are studying the chapter) and 1 point for retrospective suggestions.  There will be a real prize for the winner. 
The Salem Witchcraft Hysteria (National Geographic Society)
Cases of Conscience concerning evil Sprits by Increase Mather
John Brown an American Abolitionist
John Brown's Holy War
WPA Life Histories
A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Charles Ball