History 203 
Dimensions of History 
Roger Williams University 
T-Th 11:00-12:30 
CH 153 
Fall, 2001 
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D 
Office: Feinstein College 110
Hours: M, T, Th, F. 9:00-10:0 
or by appointment
Phone (401) 254-3230
E-mail: mswanson@rwu.edu 

Quiz I on Rutherfurd , Tuesday, September 25


Sample Questions

Remember that this quiz is only designed to gauge how well everyone is keeping up with the reading.
I don't expect that it will take more than 20-25 minutes, and I'll be looking for general information only

Chapter 1. The River
I might ask something like...

1. What was the reason why Rutherfurd starts his story with the River Thames
2. What was the principal religion in pre-Roman England
3. Why was Julius Caesar included in the chapter.
Chapter II. Londinium
I might ask...
1. Your impression of what Roman London was like physically (general terms only, what were the kinds of buildings, etc.)
2. What can you tell me about the life average people in this period (any memorable event, conflict, attitude, etc.)
3. What crime played an important role in this chapter?
Chapter III. The Rood.
I might ask...
1. What is a "Rood"?
2. What is the role of Augustine in this chapter
3. What came into consideration as leaders chose their religion?
4. What considerations occupied others when thinking about religion?
Chapter IV. William the Conqueror
I might ask...
1. How can you characterize the relationship between "Normans" and Saxons. What incident(s) illuminate this relationship
2. How did Londoner's react to William's coming?
Chapter V. The Tower
I might ask...
1. How did the building of the tower effect ordinary people? Give an example
2. What is a garderobe, and what part does it play in the chapter's story.
3. How does the garderobe story illustrate social tensions in London?